Shhh…I’m hiding

Lately, we have been playing lots of hide and seek in our house. It has been lots of fun.

While I count, Nick comes up to me and covers his face with his hands too. Then he excitedly follows me while I search for his brother.

During Jake’s turn, I can always hear him coming. He says, “Ha! Found you. Oh, you’re not there,” behind every chair and under every bed.

When he does finally spot me he often breaks down with the giggles as he comes to get me. Love it!

So, I might go hide for a little. Well, actually I am moving. So, I might post sporadically in the next few weeks as my internet is turned off and back on, while I pack and unpack.

I will try to post at least once a week. I’m sure I will be getting some great stories of silliness during this move. 😉

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