On My Nightstand 5.4

So, it has been a while for posts, but even longer since I blogged about what I was reading. Life has been busy in my house. Somehow I have still packed in a bit of reading.

Last I left you I was just about to read Sex on the Moon: The Amazing Story Behind the Most Audacious Heist in History by Ben Mezrich. I did, it was interesting. If you are a bit of a space geek like me you will probably enjoy it. Even if you aren’t the biggest fan of aerospace related things, the author tries to pump you up about it to get a better prospective of the main character.

After that I read Bloodfever by Karen Marie Moning, the second book in the Fever Series. This one I read even faster than the first book in the series. So, I still occasionally think how ridiculous the plot line is, but I’ll be honest, I am really enjoying it. (3 commas in one sentence…might be pushing it). Go read the Fever Series.

Last week I finished the book The Tourist Trail by John Yunker.  I came across it accidentally. While perusing for my free monthly Kindle Prime book, I checked out the Non-Fiction section and found this one. It is certainly fiction, with some interesting facts about penguins and whales. It was another quick read, that I enjoyed. It had its sad parts with some animals, but still interesting.

This week I read Dawn Patrol by Don Winslow. It is about a surfer/Private Eye. A mystery novel set in lovely San Diego. It was neat to read a book set in the area I live. Between the “action” parts there is some San Diego history in there. Another quick summer read.

I got tipped off by Kindom of Chaos that Witch Way Bends by Olivia Hardin  was free from Amazon the other day. I actually had never heard of the author or book. I am such a sucker for free stuff that I immediately downloaded it. Sure, there are lots of free books out there, but a recommended freebie I jump on.

Ok, I might be easy to please with books. I have lost count on how many I have read, but am proud that so far I have read a free Kindle Prime book every month and a free for Kindle library book almost every month. I love to read. I might have to read something with more depth soon though. Having too much fun reading quick easy things.

I don’t talk about religion much, for me it is a personal thing, but I am thinking about reading some religious/faith books. Any suggestions?

Any suggesting for a more challenging read?

What is on your nightstand?

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I’ve been a mother for 3 1/2 years. Over the course, I have googled lots of things. Things about feeding, sleeping, cleaning. All sorts of advice on how to do this or that.

Recipes, so very many recipes. The internet is great! Today I got to google a new one: “How to get sugar out of a carpet”

No pertinent results…

You mean to tell me that my kid is the only one who sees a container with almost 5 lbs of sugar on the counter, takes it to his room and spreads it all over the floor. Then proceeds to play in it and run trucks through it, pour it on clean clothes and books.

I was thinking how nice it was that he was playing quietly in his room while brother napped.

I vacuumed, and will have to do so again. Sugar just wants to stay in there. At least he didn’t eat it…

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When your 3 yr old brings you a cracked egg while you are in the bathroom, stop brushing your teeth. I don’t care if your mouth is sudsy, you should immediately go to the kitchen where said egg once resided.

If you dilly dally, and actually spit out toothpaste and rinse your mouth you will find that the 18 count carton of eggs your husband just brought home the night before will be completely gone.

You will be saying, thank goodness I used 4 eggs to make french toast for breakfast. I’m glad there is one egg that can still be cooked as you look at 13 eggs broken on your kitchen floor.

As you watch your 1 yr old and your 3 yr old delight in the squishy feeling eggs have on their toes, you will imagine steam is coming out of your ears like an old Looney Toones cartoon.

Luckily your kids will help pick up eggshells, unluckily egg is slippery and both your kids will fall in it and require immediate baths.

Later that day, hidden behind a rice cooker you will find a toy hammer that is covered in egg.

You will vow never to brush your teeth again… 😉 Or, leave the kitchen for that matter.

Sorry for the long absence. Egg-cited for my return? Oh, I couldn’t help myself.

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English Police

This one is for you 😉

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Bleary Eyed

Learned my lesson. Let sleeping babes lay. I check on the kids before I go to bed and re-cover them with their blankets. I must have checked on Nick at just the wrong moment, because I woke him up. I tried to creep out, but no, he did not fall back asleep. An hour later I finally got him back to bed, only for him to wake 5 minutes later. We played the up all night game.

I have nothing witty to say. I’m just tired. Here are some photos to get you through your day.

My Ironman "mustache" Jake gave me.


Finger painting fun in the backyard.


This is what happens when you let your kids play with paint. They say they are going to make a hand print, they don't tell you they are going to do it on their face.

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Lock or Not

As a parent you hear warnings all the time. What to and not to feed your child. What type of safety equipment to use. Keep your kids out of the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room. It all sounds great, until you have kids. I have a problem.

I have a potty trained 3-year-old (Hallelujah!) and an extremely curious 1-year-old who follows his big brother around like a lost puppy.

Jake is 3 and I am so happy that he is using the bathroom consistently. We can even leave the house for short trips without accidents. 😀 Again, he is 3. He doesn’t always flush (kitchen tutor, I’m thinking of your comment from a while ago) or shut the bathroom door. The not flushing isn’t what gets me, it is the not closing the door.

Without fail, Nick will follow Jake to the bathroom. Really, it is a pretty cool room. The tub is there and you get to splash and play with toys. The toilet is there and you get to splash and play with toys….wait…Eww!

I can’t put a lock on the door, or the toilet. I just have to listen. Folding laundry, washing dishes, trying to shower, whenever. If I hear that bathroom light and fan turn on I am running to the bathroom.

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Too Much Nature?

I really enjoy the outdoors. I find that days when the boys and I spend some time outside tend to go better.

A few weeks ago, we got a notice on our front door. It was a warning about coyotes. They had been seen around the neighborhood. Don’t leave your pet food outside, don’t put your trash out too early.

I live near a canyon that has lots of critters in it. Coyotes can be heard in parts of my neighborhood. There have been rattlesnakes, and lots and lots of rabbits.

The week we got the notice, hubby was working late and came home after midnight. He saw a coyote down the road. This morning, just before I walked out to grab my Sunday paper, I saw a dog. Lots of families with pets around, so a loose dog from time to time is no big news. Except, it wasn’t a dog, it was a coyote. I stood at Nick’s window for a few minutes watching this wild animal walk up and down my street, trying to decide which way to go. It was almost 9 am.

I waited to get the paper.


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Work…Housework that is.

I don’t get it. I keep having blog ideas and the WordPress Wizards are not magically taking these ideas and writing blog posts for me. What gives?

Hold on, did I say I had blog ideas. What I mean is, why doesn’t WordPress create some awesome idea, write it in a slightly funny quirky way and publish it for me.

I have been focusing on my family and keeping my house in order. Sure, I have been on the internet, but I am at least two weeks behind in reading blog posts. Eek! I have been there before and caught up, so hopefully I can do it again.

The nice thing about abandoning your blog and internet friends is that if one of these internet friends would somehow, creepily, find your house and stop by for a visit, it is actually presentable. 

I had been a reading powerhouse the first few months of this year. I hate to admit it, but I have yet to use my Amazon Prime Kindle book yet. I know there are 20 more days in April, but I am feeling the crunch. I need to finish the library book I have, and eventually Dracula too. I just keep checking books out with due dates. Too many books is a good problem to have though, so I can’t complain.

Hopefully, this week I will be a better juggler and get back to my online activity that I so enjoy.


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This morning I asked Jake if he wanted a big hug, a kiss, or both.

He said both.


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On my Nightstand 3.27

I flew through DarkFever by Karen Marie Moning. It was interesting to say the least. I was telling my hubby how odd it was. There are mythical creatures in it. I was a skeptic. Not something I would have picked for myself. That said, I am on the wait list for the second book from the library. It is the first of five books in the Fever Series. I like when an author keeps a story going. I did not like how this book ended. It felt very much like the end of a chapter. It stopped without any real explanation about what the heck is going on. I’m a sucker. I NEED to know how it ends.

I am still reading Dracula. It is getting really good! If you haven’t read it, you should.

I also checked out Sex on the Moon: The Amazing Story About the Most Audacious Heist in History by Ben Mezrich.  I saw an interview with the author and the main character on TV a while ago. It was a book that has been sitting on my to read list. I haven’t read that much yet, but am very excited to. 😀

What is on your nightstand?

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